IRootStorage - Compound File Implementation

OLE s compound file implementation of IRootStorage provides a way to support saving files in low-memory or low disk-space situations. For information on how this interface behaves, see IRootStorage6Q9HYVH.

When to Use

Use the system-supplied implementation of IRootStorage only to support saving files under low memory conditions.


It is possible to call OLE s implementation of IRootStorage::SwitchToFile to do a normal Save As operation to

another file. Applications that do so, however, may not be compatible with future generations of OLE storage. To avoid this possibility, applications performaing a Save As operation should manually create the second docfile and invoke

IStorage::CopyTo. IRootStorage::SwitchToFile should beused only in emergency (low memory or disk space) situations.

See Also

IRootStorage, IRootStorage::SwitchToFile